CRUD Operations, List of assets, and minting operations. ||
GET - /v1/files/ - List of available attachments.
Use this endpoint to load a list of assets. The result is paginated, and it can be filtered by passing specific arguments in the URL.
URL params.
/v1/files/?sort=-created_on. Use “-” for DESC ordering
- search: Search term to lookup by UUID, name, and IPFS hash
- sort: created_on, updated_on or name
- page: page number of the paginated results
POST - /v1/files/ - Upload a file into IPFS.
This endpoint is used to create upload files into IPFS. The maximum size per file is 100 MB.
GET - /v1/files/$uuid/ - Attachment detail
Use this endpoint to return all the information for a file.
DELETE - /v1/files/$uuid/ - Unpin file from IPFS
This operation will unpin all added content from Bakrypt's IPFS node.